a winter evening walk...

photos taken: Jan 24, 2018

I took a lot of walks downtown from my home in 2016 though 2019. By winter 2020, COVID was in full-bloom, and it was best to not be out & about as much. After the pandemic, downtown was largely empty, so there wasn’t a lot of reason to head down there for photography. I did – mostly to document the desolation. But only a few times. By that time, I sort of scratched that itch for that type of streetside photography, anyway. I’m sure the interest will return, but currently I’m on to other things.

Most of the time I brought a camera along. This small collection of photographs was made on this date in 2018. Judging by the first photograph – a color photograph though on first look it might appear b&w – I must have left my home about 4 PM that day for the walk. The first photograph was taken at 4:22 PM. A large office building – I call it the barcode building – now interrupts this view.

I took a waterproof camera with me with a 23mm fixed lens on an APS-C sensor (35mm film equivalent). Winter storm clouds were blowing through, but I’m not sure it was raining hard that day. Even though it was mid-January, I suspect it was warmer that night than it’s been recently, which for the past week or so, it’s been lucky to break freezing on any given day. Even then, I wasn’t all that crazy about walks in the rain at 35˚F.


       i.         Lake Union from Lakeview;
      ii.         storm blowing in over I-5;
     iii.         layered evening commute;
     iv.         dusky bus queue;
      v.         Cinerama (I think closed during the pandemic, but I read it is soon to be reopened);
     vi.         window shoppers;
    vii.         night commute;
   viii.         Broadway


Turns out, January 18 was a good day for photographs in my archives. There are a lot of them through the various years. I can’t say that’s true for other January days. It must be a point in winter where I’ve tired of the indoors and decide to get out on a (usually) sunny, mid-winter day. We’re almost a month past the darkest days and that may have something to do with it as well.


#january #jan18 #winterphotography #nightphotography #rain #headlights #taillights #seattle #pacificnorthwest #pnw